create your wishlist

Create a unique wishlist... and get the goodies you’ve been wanting from your hubby or friend!

Busy? Well, it’s time to think about YOU for a minute. I’m hoping you liked what you saw at the recent Stella & Dot trunk show you attended or LOOK BOOK you perused. You might have indulged at the party, but was there something else you saw that you might like to add to your collection one of these days — something you might like to receive as a birthday present or anniversary gift, for example? Maybe a Valentine’s Day surprise?

Fill out the wishlist online with those items you have “ooh”ed and “ahh”ed over, and with your permission, I would like to send your wish list to your spouse (or whomever else likes to give you special gifts just because you are tooooo wonderful!)

A great gift -- for yourself or a friend!

A great gift -- for yourself or a friend!

I believe that in this day and age, with all that men do, it’s difficult for our husbands to remember the important dates in our lives, let alone have the wherewithal to bestow gifts upon us on time and have it be something we actually want! They need some help! It’s not easy keeping up with us — especially if, like most women, you change your mind (and your tastes) often and without warning!

This wish list should simplify his life exponentially! I will send him an email letting him know that I have your wish list, should he ever need help with a gift for you. It’s that simple. I’ll help make sure the gift arrives before the big day, that it’s wrapped, etc. It will still be a surprise to you, because you won’t know which item from the wish list he has selected!

If a new line of jewelry is released, I will contact you to update your wish list to include the newest, prettiest pieces available!

And if he’s the kind of guy who doesn’t want or need anyone’s help — then let me be the first to congratulate you! You lucky thing!

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